TheSoul Publishing embraces Reels and in-stream ads


TheSoul Publishing embraces Reels and in-stream ads

 TheSoul Publishing is an award-winning digital studio that produces entertaining, original content for a global audience. Headquartered in Cyprus, TheSoul Publishing has launched several brands on social media that focus on everything from crafts to beauty tips. They generate hundreds of billions of views for their content posted on social media and have a combined 1.5B followers for their brands across social media.

Two of The Soul Publishing’s newer brands, Archie5 and Wood Mood, found success with Reels and in-stream ads. Read on for a breakdown of their strategies.


ARCHIE5 (Facebook & Instagram):

  • 630K followers on Facebook (from launch, January 2022, through October 2022)
  • 360K followers Instagram (from launch, January 2022, through October 2022)
  • 69M FB Reels Plays (Jan - Oct 2022)
  • 87% of FB Reels Plays from unconnected audiences (August 17, 2022 - November 15, 2022)

WOOD MOOD (Facebook):

  • 2.4x in-stream revenue growth YoY, six-figure revenue (period H1 2022 vs H1 2021)
  • 1.2B video views [H2 2022], 3.3x video views growth YoY [H1 2022 vs H1 2021]
  • 130% followers growth for Wood Mood Facebook Page (period Jan - Oct 2022)


TheSoul Publishing launched their channel Archie5 both on Facebook and Instagram in January 2022. Archie5 uses video content, including Reels, to showcase popular life hacks and has grown rapidly across both platforms.


Captivate the audience

Opening with strong intros, experimenting with creative framing, transitions and audio, are key to keep viewers engaged and watching the clip for longer.

Use insights to create content

To identify content that will resonate with their audience, Archie5 leverages insights available in Meta Business Suite. Analytics on VOD are used to choose the best performing content to repurpose for Reels, while the most successful Reels are included and re-edited into longer videos.


In 2021, TheSoul Publishing launched Wood Mood, a page for original content focusing on master crafts and impressive DIY projects.

Diversify video formats to keep audiences engaged and maximize earnings

Wood Mood has been focusing on video production in order to maximize earning potential, and expanding into longer formats (10+ minutes) and livestreams to keep the audience engaged. Hooking the viewer’s attention from the beginning is a key element to ensure retention.

Monitor performance and KPI to inform strategy

Metrics such as engagement, earnings and RPM are monitored for each video and data is used to inform the content production process. This approach has been leading to understand what the audience interests’ are, identify any local opportunities and ultimately create videos that are true hits


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