windows shortcut keys


Here are some common Windows shortcut keys:


Ctrl + C: Copy

Ctrl + X: Cut

Ctrl + V: Paste

Ctrl + Z: Undo

Ctrl + A: Select all

Ctrl + F: Find

Alt + Tab: Switch between open windows

Windows key + D: Show desktop

Windows key + L: Lock computer

File Explorer:

Windows key + E: Open File Explorer

F2: Rename selected file/folder

Ctrl + N: Open a new File Explorer window

Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder

Ctrl + W: Close the current File Explorer window

Alt + Enter: Open the Properties dialog box for the selected file/folder

Task Manager:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager

Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open the security options screen (which includes Task Manager)


Windows key + R: Open the Run dialog box

Windows key + P: Change the display mode (e.g., between duplicate, extend, and projector-only)

Windows key + I: Open Settings

Windows key + S: Open Search

Windows key + X: Open the Quick Link menu (Windows 10 and later)

windows 11 shortcut key:

Virtual Desktops:

Windows key + Tab: Open Task View to see all virtual desktops and open windows

Windows key + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop

Windows key + Ctrl + F4: Close the current virtual desktop

Windows key + Ctrl + Left/Right arrow: Switch between virtual desktops

Snap Layouts:

Windows key + Z: Open the Snap Layouts menu

Windows key + Left/Right arrow: Snap the current window to the left or right side of the screen

Windows key + Up arrow: Maximize the current window

Windows key + Down arrow: Restore/minimize the current window

Windows key + Ctrl + Left/Right arrow: Move the current window between monitors


Windows key + T: Cycle through the apps on the taskbar

Windows key + number (1-9): Open the app in the corresponding position on the taskbar

Windows key + Alt + number (1-9): Open the app's Jump List in the corresponding position on the taskbar

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